Unlock the Power of DiSC and The Five Behaviors with EPIC

Administer Everything DiSC and Five Behaviors Assessments from anywhere and Unlock the Power of DiSC and The Five Behaviors with EPIC. EPIC is a secure website that allows you to easily create, manage, administer the Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors® Assessments 24/7 anywhere in the world.

Already have an account…log in here: EPIC Administrative Online Account Login
View our Demo Account: Log in with above link and use this login information: User ID: demosite – Password: trcdemosite42!
New to EPIC and Online Assessments…You can begin here or visit our Everything DiSC Store for everything you need to get started. 

EPIC Administrative Account Logo

Purchase EPIC Credits

Note Price determined by number of Credits Purchased:
See Quantity Pricing Chart Below

Quantity Credit Pricing

Credits Needed per Report

New Client One Time Set-up Fee

This is for New Clients establishing their Administrative EPIC Account.

The one time Fee is $270.00

If you begin your account with 250 EPIC Credits the Fee is waived and you purchase only the 250 EPIC Credits Cost $1,425.00 


PLEASE NOTE: If your needs require a purchase over 250 Credits we will provide your Administrative Account at no cost too! Just purchase your credits above.


Select the option that is best for you! We look forward to working with you!

What is EPIC?

Simplify Assessment Administration with EPIC: Everything DiSC and Five Behaviors

To Unlock the Power of DiSC and The Five Behaviors with EPIC using a secure website that allows you to easily create, manage, administer and custom 16 unique online learning assessments anywhere in the world.

EPIC allows you to:

  1. Deliver 16 different assessments/reports anywhere, anytime…24/7
  2. Access 35+ different individual & group Feedback Reports to support your training, consulting and coaching
  3. Manage online learning & assessment tools within your own time frame
  4. Control when learner’s view their online Reports…now or later
  5. Identify group needs & preferences prior to developing training content
  6. Personalize each Report with your organization’s logo & contact information

Improve & Expand Learning with EPIC:

  1. Saves classroom time…30-60 minutes by administering tools online
  2. Supports blended learning approaches
  3. Provides in-depth Group Reports & early data review of learner preferences & needs
  4. Starts the learning process early
  5. Increases self-awareness by identifying and exploring strengths, developmental needs as well as blind-spots
  6. Provides multiple tools for better self-management

Access with Options

EPIC is a web-based program you can access at any time—issue Access Codes, monitor report completion, and print reports from anywhere in the world. Once a Respondent completes an assessment, EPIC scores their personalized profile right away. Give your respondents access to view their profile online, or choose to print the reports to provide during training facilitation.

Customizable Features

You can personalize reports with your company name, training program, and logo truly allowing you to Unlock the Power of DiSC and The Five Behaviors with EPIC. Your company information also appears on the online assessment site and in emailed information from your EPIC account, providing Respondents with a consistent association with your organization.


Tailor Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors® profiles to incorporate them section-by-section into your facilitation time line. Profile sections and pages can be rearranged and/or removed at any time for both the online profile and printed versions.

Exclusive Extras

Making training stick with exclusive supplemental reports and MyEverythingDiSC! Supplemental reports allow you to build group reports from participant profiles in your EPIC account. And easily move people in and out of them as work groups change. All easily managed within your EPIC Account. 

Mobile Friendly

Unlock the power of DiSC and The Five Behaviors with EPIC so your participants can now access and complete their assigned access code on their smart phone or tablet device. Participants can immediately view their personalized feedback report, even during the learning experience! Available in real time and accessible 24/7 – anywhere in the world 

Administer 16 Assessment Tools for Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors

16 Assessment Tools Available via EPIC

  • Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst™  – 15 EPIC Credits (Click for Sample Report)

    The Everything DiSC Workplace®  on Catalyst™ is designed to engage everyone in building more effective relationships at work, Workplace on Catalyst helps people adapt to others in real-time. With this base experience, participants will:

    • Discovering Your DiSC® Style
    • Deepen understanding of self and others
    • Learn how to build better relationships with others
    • Access real-time tips for more effective interactions with their colleagues
    • Build the foundation for future social and emotional skills training
      • Agile EQ Add On10 Credits (Click for Sample Report)
        By combining the personalized insights of DiSC with active emotional intelligence development, participants learn to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly. Agile EQ participants will:
        • Discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions
        • Recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them
        • Take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations
      • Management Add On – 10 Credits (Click for Sample Report) Everything DiSC Management on Catalyst prepares anyone in a management role to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people. Management participants will:
        • Learn about their DiSC® management style and the priorities that drive their approach to work
        • Discovre their DiSC® management style and the priorities that drive their approach to work
        • Explore how to customize their approach to specific direct reports so they can work more effectively
        • Explore the type of environment they create for the people they manage and the ways that it might be motivating or demotivating 
        • Learn the advantages and disadvantages of their natural style of developing others 
        • Discover how their own manager tends to see them 
  • Everything DiSC Workplace®  – 15 EPIC Credits (Click for Sample Report)

    The Everything DiSC® Workplace™ Profile helps build better relationships — one relationship at a time. The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile can be used with everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to improve the quality of the workplace. Everything DiSC Workplace focuses on:


The Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Profile is designed to help curb destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, this program helps learners respond to conflict in an effective way, ultimately improving workplace results and relationships. Everything DiSC Productive Conflict focuses on:

    • Exploring the destructive and productive conflict behaviors of each DiSC style
    • Understanding how to manage your response to conflict situations
    • Discovering communication strategies when engaging in productive conflict with colleagues

Helps learners discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions, recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them, and gain actionable strategies to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations.

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship, as opposed to the one-to-one relationship of management. It focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a group or organization toward desired outcomes.

Everything DiSC Management increases effectiveness using personalized learning to help managers develop their management styles, improve communication and increase employee engagement. Report includes the following sections:

Everything DiSC Sales increases sales effectiveness using the power of DiSC. Sales people learn to communicate better and improve their sales relationships by: Understanding their DiSC sales styles, identifying and understanding their customers’ DiSC buying styles, adapting their DiSC sales styles to meet their customers’ needs. Report includes the following sections: